Flight Crew Assistant 737

by Thetis Games and Flight Simulators


not available

IMPORTANT NOTE: THIS APP REQUIRES AN INTERNET CONNECTION TO OPERATE AS PART OF ITS LICENSING CHECK!"Flight Crew Assistant: 737 Edition" brings a virtual 737 Airline Crew to you via your Android device!
Designed by FS2Crew (www.fs2crew.com), the leading provider of airline crew simulations for Flight Simulator, this is a stand-alone app designed to be used side-by-side with any version of Flight Simulator, such as FSX, FS9, X-Plane or any other simulator!
You could even use it by itself!
This product is ideally suited to Flight Simulator 737 pilots and 737 aviation enthusiasts!
Features include:
737 Specific Audio checklists
Audio voice recorded by real-world airline pilots
Make PAs to your passengers
Monitor FA Cabin Announcements
Action Flows cheat sheet for each flight segment to show you what you need to do and when (great for people learning how to fly the 737)
Action Flows list shows breakdown in areas of responsibility between the Captain and First Officer, Pilot Flying and Pilot Monitoring
Check live weather (METARs and TAFS) at your arrival airport
Import and listen to real ATC (or any sound) recordings that can play in the backgroundATC recordings can be assigned to multiple ATC stations, such as Clearance Delivery, Ground, Tower, Departure, Center, etc., and can be changed on the fly to simulate flight in a full ATC environment
Custom day and night panel lighting
Works side by side with any 737 (such as the PMDG NGX, iFly, Wilco or Ariane 737s) and any version of Flight Simulator (Microsoft, X-Plane, etc). Note that does that this app does not physically connect to Flight Simulator.
FSX, Flight, Simulator, NGX, 737, 737NG, Pilot, Airline, Crew, Airbus, FS9, FS2004, Flight Simulator, aviation, airplane, jet, checklist, checklist program, weather, TAF, METAR, pilot, crew, airline.